Monday, July 16, 2012



Airplanes stay in the air by having a curved blunt shaped wing at the front of the wing and a skinny end. By doing this the airplane has more air going over the top of the wing than the bottom, thus creates lift with a vacuum effect.


This is interesting: The engines produce forward thrust, which in turn makes the aircraft go forward. The wings are airfoil-shaped, so, when the aircraft moves forward they push air downward, which in turn pushes the aircraft upwards.


Price: $100,000,000
When an aircraft moves into the wind, the wings cut the airflow in half. Some air travels above the wing, some air travels below the wing. Plane wings are built to be curved on top and flat on the bottom. The wind, or air stream, flowing over the wing travels a different path from air traveling under the wing. This difference in the path of the wind, creates lower air pressure above the wing as shown in the picture on the right. The higher air pressure under the wing lifts the plane into the air creating lift. When there is enough lift to overcome gravity, the plane takes off.


Pilots fly aircraft of all sizes, transporting passengers and cargo across the state and around the world. They are responsible for the safety of the airplane, its passengers, the crew, and any cargo on board.
Most pilots work for major airlines that carry passengers and cargo. Airlines require two pilots in the cockpit flying the plane: the captain and the copilot, also known as the first officer. Before a flight, they examine the airplane's control equipment, checking each item off a list. After determining the weather and flight conditions, the captain has their flight plans approved by the air traffic controllers. Meanwhile, the copilot charts the airplane's route and computes the flying time. By radio the captain then requests that the aircraft dispatcher give permission for them to taxi, or begin moving, to the runway. After receiving clearance for takeoff, the pilots accelerate the plane down the runway until it achieves lift and is airborne.
Once the plane is in the air, it usually flies itself by an electronic automatic pilot. The captain and copilot regularly report to air-route control stations by radio, reporting any problems they may have.

Sunday, July 15, 2012



 The product of zest airship was created by ROXANNE CEZAR these were develop in Philippine and China area.Company has been made by airplane or air balloon.

there will be the lighter air craft to through the air using rudders and propellers or other thrust mechanism product.So if you want to by just blog at ZEST AIRSHIP COMPANY surely that you must traveled country that you want. The UTILITY WORKER has been capable for that position. Being responsible and respectful person that he safe.